Gastromapa - za Gastrem

by za gastrem

Travel & Local


We are building the largest and most comprehensive map of tips on where to go to see a gastronomist. With us, you know where to go for good food, where to go to a gastronomic event, but also where you wont be kicked out with your four-legged friend or where your little ones will have fun with you. Our gastromap, or guide, should therefore not be missing in your pocket. You will always have it at hand when you decide where to go today for good food, drinks or entertainment. Main features of the application:database of restaurants, cafes and gastro events, filtered search, find child and animal friendly places, recommendations for current gastro events and new businessesWhy download the Gastro-guide:always up-to-date information about the best gastro businesses, clear and simple application control, the option to save your favorite places to favorites, interactive map with navigation option Become part of our gastromap and discover new places and flavors every day. Download the Gastro Guide today and always have an overview of the best that your area has to offer!